Jessica currently serves as the Assessment and Accreditation Coordinator for an Educator Preparation Program. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Henderson State University and a Master of Arts degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Colorado Christian University.
Jessica has worked in the education field for 20 years. The first 12 years were spent with a local assessment company where she served as a project manager overseeing K-12 assessment design for math, literacy, and science, working with programmers for quality control of new products, and developed a process for student focused intervention videos. She worked with superintendents, principals, curriculum coordinators, and classroom teachers to gather and use data aligned to instruction for improving student outcomes.
In 2016, Jessica changed course to teacher preparation. For the last seven years, she has poured her knowledge of assessment into future K-12 teachers in all content areas. She also assists with the internship program, oversees the assessment software, and manages all state review or audit processes. Jessica never intended to be a teacher, but she has found a passion for working with preservice teachers at her alma mater. She loves the challenge of growing future educators into their best selves.