Far too many of our nation’s students today are not being equipped with the core subject area knowledge needed to succeed in school and in life.
Alarming NAEP results continue to portend poor student outcomes and quality-of-life opportunities, particularly for those MOST IN NEED. As this gap in student learning widens, individuals and societal impacts increase, putting a premium on improvement and corrective measures that impact the ROOT CAUSES.
Research shows that the most important in-school influence on student achievement is teacher quality and that effective teachers have a significant impact on student learning outcomes (sources: Goldhaber in Education Next, Rockoff in American Economic Review).
Further, there is evidence that effective teachers have a lifelong positive impact: “Students assigned to high value-added teachers are more likely to attend college, attend high-ranked colleges, earn higher salaries, live in higher SES neighborhoods and save more for retirement” (source: Chetty, et al. in National Bureau of Economic Research).