Dr. Kristina Scott-Quinlan is an associate dean, professor, and program director for the special education and autism programs at Salem State University. She currently has mostly administrative duties but stays active in teaching and supervising students each semester. Kristina has developed or redesigned teacher preparation courses at her university and beyond to reduce the theory-to-practice gap, and does so working in collaboration with stakeholders to understand the context of the university and their partnership with school districts.
Kristina has been the recognized recipient of the teaching, advising, civic-engagement and first-year advocacy awards at her university. In her administrative role, she is responsible for observing and evaluating all graduate adjunct faculty and university supervisors. She also oversees the budget, field office, and compliance for licensure. Kristina is part of the student success and remediation team and assists directly with providing executive functioning interventions for teaching candidates that struggle in these areas.
Before arriving at the university, Kristina taught in the public schools for eight years and helped develop social emotional learning and autism partial inclusion programs in multiple schools. Since then, she has been working to expand opportunities for all students with disabilities in post-secondary education and in the workforce.
Kristina’s research focuses on teacher preparation practices, and developing social skills alongside academic content knowledge for academic and career success in preschool through university classrooms. She regularly presents at both national and international conferences. She serves on the board of directors for the National Learning Disabilities Association of America, and is an active member of the Learning Disabilities Institute. Kristina regularly publishes research-based articles in peer-reviewed research journals and in accessible education and parent magazines.
In addition to this, Kristina is a certified inspector of teacher preparation programs. She also is an online peer reviewer through Quality Matters for all online course instruction.
Kristina lives in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and spends her free time chasing after her toddlers, competitively running, and spending time with her family.