Sherre Heider is a Professional Development Facilitator for Tech Teach at Texas Tech University, supporting teacher candidates and site coordinators through the teacher preparation program. She provides professional development trainings and support to the Tech Teach Site Coordinators and Teacher Candidates within the College of Education. Through partnerships with the surrounding school districts, Sherre also provides training and support to Mentor Teachers in the areas of co-teaching, instructional competency, and the NIET Rubric. Through the Tech Teach program and the collaboration of all key stakeholders, Sherre’s efforts are to prepare highly effective teacher candidates. She is also an inspector for Teacher Prep Inspection-US (TPI-US) participating in teacher preparation program inspections in the United States. Prior to her position as Professional Development Facilitator, Sherre served as a Site Coordinator for the secondary program and Instructor for various mathematics methods courses.
Sherre received her Master’s degree in Educational Leadership in addition to her Principal Certification and her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction, with a specialization in Teacher Education Preparation, at Texas Tech University. Her area of study is focused on coaching and the impact it has on pre-service teachers’ instructional competency. Sherre has been an educator in secondary K-12 and higher education for over 20 years.