Dr. Tara Haley is the Dean of Education and Human Services and Downtown Campus Dean at Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ). In her role as Dean, she oversees the Vision Education and Rehabilitation Center, Child Care Training Department, Educator Preparation Institute, as well as the A.S. in Early Childhood Management and the B.S. in both Early Childhood Education and Human Services. She is also the Project Director for the Childcare Access Means Parents in Schools (CCAMPIS) $1.9 million-dollar grant awarded through the U.S. Department of Education. She is the Institutional Representative for the American Council on Education (ACE) Women's Network and connects with educational leaders throughout the state to discuss higher education initiatives.
Tara is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership as well as a post graduate certificate in Early Childhood Education, both from the University of North Florida.